Reedy River Run 10k – Race Recap





This past Saturday Adam and I ran…our first official 10k race! As crazy as that sounds, we have never run a 10k race before. The Reedy River Run is one of Greenville’s largest races throughout the year and we were excited to be a part of the event. This year was actually the 40th anniversary. We had a work dinner for me on Wednesday night last week and stayed out probably a little too late, so all time goals for the race were thrown out the window then, but we did still want to break an hour if we could. Greenville is hilly and this course was no slouch. Apparently it’s the 10k state championship?? So there were a lot of elite athletes and fast runners. We had originally wanted to run the 5k and aim for a PR but with Diva’s in two weeks I needed more miles, and also they handed out medals to the 10k runners.

We did not make it to the expo because there wasn’t anything that we needed and it was honestly just out of our way to get there before Saturday morning. We had no trouble picking up our shirts and bibs on race day, though. We signed up just two weeks before the race and the shirt sizes were limited at that time. The do send out emails beforehand that if you register by a certain day, you’re guaranteed the correct shirt size. We didn’t sign up by then though haha. Anyways, Adam was still able to get his size and I scooped a ladies large. I’m not sure if because we signed up late we got shafted but they were NOT tech tees, they weren’t even a tri-blend. So my large was able to really shrink down in the wash, which is good because now it fits. But I was really looking forward to the tech tee they described.

The course was decently spectated. There were parts of downtown that had cheer squads but the parts through the park were not well spectated. There were three water stations for our course which was plenty. I’m glad they were there though because it was hot. We snagged a Gatorade cup at each one.

I looked at my watch at mile 4.5 and thought to myself “we can break an hour, but it will be close”. And then we strolled in at 57:26 officially. (Our previous unofficial 10k PR was 58:29, so we really kicked it’s ass!) I was so proud of our time. It had been a loonngggg week (due to the mid-week outing) and I would not say that I was totally prepared for that strong of a run. However, in true fashion, my watch clocked in at 6.19 so Garmin didn’t accept it as a PR. Smh.

The route ended on Main St. and all runners were given their medals and shuffled down to the park for the post-race party. Yes, DOWN to the park. A lot of stairs down meant we had to climb them to get back. There were plenty of stations with water, Gatorade and coffee set up and Jersey Mikes was there handing out free sandwiches, of course Adam devoured his.

I’ve got an 11 miler planned for this Saturday but at a slow, steady pace and then Diva’s is next Sunday. Then, Adam and I are closing out race season with the Mountains to Main half on the 20th. He wants to PR, but we’ll see about that.


Greer Earth Day 10 Mile – Race Recap

As I said yesterday, Adam and I ran a 10 mile road race up in Greer this past Saturday. It was a Greenville Track Club event and they also held a 5k and 10k.



The first thing I loved about this race was the t-shirts. Adam and I signed up late (Thursday afternoon) because we were watching the weather to make sure it wasn’t going to rain. Often times when we sign up so late we miss out on the t-shirts, which is a bummer. I had seen the shirts for his race online and they were great tech tee’s. So, when we went to pick up our bibs Saturday morning at the start line they informed us that though we wouldn’t be getting tech tee’s that day, they were doing another order for those who signed up late and we could pick them up in a week or two. It was a small part of the race but it made us so happy. We want our race shirts!!

I had seen online that there weren’t a whole lot of runners for the 10 mile race (and not really a whole lot for the other two as well) so I was immediately reminded of the Green Valley 10 Miler we did back and February and wondered how this one would be organized with so few runners. The 10 mile was set to start at 7:30 but I guess because it was colder than expected, the director wanted to wait until the sun rose to start, so we let off at 7:45. We were told at the start line that the course on the website was not what we would be running (something having to due with the city but I wasn’t overly paying attention) and that the roads were not blocked off so we should just “stay to the shoulder”…we were just hoping to 1. Not get lost and 2. Not get hit by a car.

Honestly, we started out fast. Mainly because I did not want to get to the back of the pack and risk getting lost. We knew it was going to be a hilly course. We hadn’t been doing a whole lot of hill training so we were really just out there to finish, get a good run in and collect our medals.  That being said, perfect negatives and a PR were not our main focus. It was a new course for us so all of the sights were different, which is always a plus.There was zero course support and I’m not sure that I would recommend this for those who don’t like running alone, but because I had Adam, it was just a normal Saturday morning long run for us. There were three water stops, which the website said, but I did not see a bathroom along the course. Luckily there were no issues but I do like to have the option should something come up!

As I said, we did go out fast, but our splits were pretty consistent. We had to walk a little bit during mile 8 but that was mostly because I was bored haha. I was just tired of running and needed a moment. That being said, our last mile was still the fastest and we PR’d our 10 mile race distance by 1:50. I was shocked when I looked at my watch and new that we’d be able to get a personal best. We got our medals and went to check our standings. ADAM PLACED IN HIS AGE GROUP! He got third and received a pint glass prize (which is perfect for him). I was so proud for his first ever race placing. I placed 6th in my age group. Otherwise, we were both dead middle of the pack for overall finishing and gender place.


(**side note – I had more pictures to post but I got a new phone Saturday afternoon and apparently the backup didn’t totally back everything up..UGH!)

What I wore:

Asics Tank / Nike 5″ Shorts / Sports Bra /
Pearl Izumi E M3 Running Shoes / Compression Socks 

Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon – Race Recap






Friday afternoon I was sitting at my desk and thinking to myself “Now I remember why I don’t race for time. Maybe/hopefully it will be worth the goal setting, but for now I just wish we had no expectations of time. I like the only expectation being having fun with my friends.” I was legit feeling so nervous. I had not had pre-race nerves since the New York City Marathon back in 2015. It was such a weird feeling and I had completely forgotten what it felt like to experience pre-race nerves. It didn’t last long but I was still wondering in the back of my mind how I would actually do, being that we were racing for time.


Packet Pickup/Expo

The Expo was small. I’m not complaining because it made picking up our bibs super quick and easy, but there were not very many vendors there at all. Again, it was fine for me but we were running with two out-of-towners (and this race draws a lot of people from other states) so it would have been nice to see a little bit more of Greenville’s running community out and about. Otherwise, packet pickup was seamless and I love the t-shirts they gave. They are a tri-blend (much like the ones from two years ago) and are just the most comfortable ever!



There really is not a whole lot to this course. The race starts in downtown Travelers Rest and does about a 3 mile loop out and back before getting on the Swamp Rabbit Trail around mile 3.5. The next 9.5 miles are down the trail towards Downtown Greenville. I do not normally run on the Swamp Rabbit Trail. I have a route that I enjoy doing where I go from Furman to Downtown Travelers Rest, but as far as the parts of the trail towards Downtown Greenville…well, I find them rather boring. However, in a race setting it’s much better. Having the route full of runners definitely makes it more bearable.

The course is not supported great due to it’s location. Especially since cross roads are blocked off for the runners to continue on the trail, it is hard for supporters to get a good viewing spot. The start line and the finish line, however, were packed with spectators and support. The weather was ideal at the start. I did not need to wear a jacket and was more than comfortable. Unfortunately, I knew that would mean I could get warm by the end of the race. And I did. Luckily we missed any rain coming in, but the sun was out in full force and in our faces most of the time. There was a breeze but compared to two years ago when it was 20 degrees, this race got a little warm.

Around mile 4 we latched on to the 2:07 pace group (running at a 9:40 pace). This was a little slower that we wanted our average pace to be, but we had started strong and knew that if we stuck with him for a few miles, we could then pass and reach our goal. It turned out to be a great decision. Not only was the pacer a cool guy and kept us chatting for about 45 minutes, he was encouraging. When we latched on we had told him that our goal was to go with him until about mile 9 and then push through. Around 8, however, he told us that we were going so strong and to pick it up. We did and we continued on at our goal pace.

I was disappointed with the finish line photos. I guess the camera(s) were only on one side at the finish and I unfortunately was on the opposite side. Y’all know how much I live for a race photo.

The upside: WE PR’d!!!!! (By we I mean Adam and I.) We had started strong and about 2 miles in my dad said to us “I’m going to pace us today. I’m going to get us there.” Normally I am a master pacer and don’t mind doing it, but I needed him Saturday. I knew it could be a struggle to reach my goal and I needed him to keep me in line. He knows how to push me to my limits, but keep me to where I won’t burn out. By mile 11 I was struggling. My legs were tired and though I wasn’t having a ton of breathing issues, I just knew I had to dig deep to keep at my pace and hit my goal. Adam was so strong at the end and I was proud of him. He probably could have scooted ahead of me but he stayed back so we could all finish together.  

We crossed the finish line at 2:04:30… 30 seconds ahead of our 2:05 goal and 9 minutes ahead of our previous PR. Our average pace was 9:24. Wow. I told myself Friday that I would have been extremely happy with a 2:05, not really knowing if it was possible or not. I had never run 13 miles at a 9:30 pace before. I didn’t know yet if I was trained to do it. Mentally or physically. I also know that for me, running flats is ten times harder than hills. I have learned to utilize hills to my advantage and the Swamp Rabbit Trail, though listed as negative elevation from Travelers Rest to Greenville, has mile long slogs with no real reprieve at the end. It was hard and when I crossed the finish line I immediately sat on the ground to rest. But, we had done it. We had hit our goal and we had instantly gained so much motivation to keep going and keep getting better.



The post-race was great. They had sodas, water, juice, pizza and a ton of snacks. It was really anything that you could want after finishing 13.1 miles. We received our medals instantly and we united with mine and Adam’s moms who were waiting for us at the finish line.

This race was hard for me. I never thought that I would have to walk or quit, but for maybe the first time, I felt like I was literally giving everything I had. In terms of distance and pace, it was probably the best run I’ve ever had, which makes me feel good considering I said that two weeks ago about the Green Valley 10 Mile Road Race. We didn’t have perfect negative splits, but we were so consistent the entire run. Since finishing the race, Adam has talked so much about continuing to train and get better and race together. This half marathon I think motivated him so much. Though I will take fun over time any day of the week, I think all runners that are at the point where we are have an unwritten goal of a sub-2 half. This past weekend we realized how close we are. Sure it’s still a lot of work and dedication ahead to achieve that goal, but we are close. And that amazing goal is within reach.    


What I Wore:

Nike Shorts (5″ inseam) / Nike Dri Fit Tank / Under Armour Socks / Sports Bra 

Pearl Izumi E M3 Running Shoe / Visor



Life Since The Marathon – Running In 2017



Okay, yes, I have a problem. I literally almost just signed up for Disney’s Goofy Challenge and I was all, Kristina…get a grip. So I’m a little over three months out from the New York Marathon and I am just plotting away. I have been doing some speed work lately, and I really like the change of pace (pun intended), but I am such a sucker for distance running. I can’t stay away no matter how hard I try. I really like where I’m at right now, I’m in great half shape and it’s not taking any “extra effort” to stay that way, if that makes sense..? After the race this weekend, I plan to spin more and focus more on interval training. But, I intend to keep my running distance up as well. I didn’t want to change up too much before this race because I am actually racing and running for time (which is not something I normally do).

After last year’s New York Marathon, I kind of swore that I was most definitely NOT doing a full this year and also that I was going to take it easy. However, much like I was feeling last year at this time, I need running! The last two years I have traveled up to New York for the marathon and raised money for charity to do so. That being said, it was an expensive race that took a lot of logistics and planning. That is what I don’t want this year. I don’t want to worry about following a plan to the very last mile in order to succeed/finish/not get hurt/etc. I don’t want to spend an outrageous amount of money on one race. Yes, New York was two of the best experiences of my life and I wouldn’t trade those two days for anything in the world, but they were outrageously expensive endeavors. And spending that amount of money on a race caused me to live on eggshells.

This year I want to train and race but I want to be able to skip a day during the week if I want to or not feel like I have to eat baked chicken and a salad the night before a long run if I don’t have want to. I want to run 7 days a week if I feel like it and I want to run 2 days a week if I feel like it. I want to run on the treadmill if I want to (or if it’s too blazing hot outside which it looks like that’s how this summer is going to play out) and I want to do track work if I want to. And I want that to be good enough to run a fun race. When training for New York, I was so focused on my training plan and not getting injured that it took over my life. I certainly needed a break from that and I believe that’s why I said after last year’s marathon that I needed a hot minute. However, I think I am to the point now where I am in ideal half marathon shape and I can go out and run what I want, race if I desire to, and take days off of running if I feel like it. And I’ve decided I’m going to take advantage of that. If that means a full at the end of the year because my schedule has allowed time for the training, then so be it!

When it comes to running I like to have a goal. That’s usually not a time goal, but it may be a mileage goal or simply feeling like I’m working towards a purpose. Having these races on my radar will give my miles a purpose in my mind and if I do them or not, it won’t cost me an arm and a leg and wouldn’t be the end of the world. This year will be about the miles and the medals. No pressure, no harsh commitments. Just the sky above, the ground below and Adam beside me.


That being said, I’ve got my eye on some races this year that and it would not disappoint me if they made their way to my calendar:


Swamp Rabbit Half – Travelers Rest, SC : Keep a look out early next week for this recap. I am so excited for it and really hope we run a great race!

Publix Half Marathon – Atlanta, GA : I have never done the Publix Half in Atlanta before (formerly known as the ING Half). It’s in just a few weeks and I honestly just think it would be fun! We’ll probably wait to sign up and see if our schedule accommodates it.

Earth Day 10 Mile – Greer, SC : There’s a medal at the finish line and I love a 10 miler. I think it’s a great distance for me and the new course views will be a nice change, since we don’t really run through Greer, SC.

Altamont Challenge – Travelers Rest, SC :  This is supposed to be a scenic, yet incredibly challenging course. It’s an out and back race that climbs in the first half and descends in the second. I think it would be fun for a change of routine. This course would provide different terrain and views than what we’re used to and I wouldn’t consider it a “don’t want to walk” race.

Reedy River Run – Greenville, SC : This is one of Greenville Track Club’s last events of the season. They offer a 5k and a 10k but I have personally never run it. It seems to be a great Greenville running event and at either distance, I think it would be fun just to participate. Greenville really does have a great running community and it is so fun to get out there and enjoy the miles with fellow Upstate runners.

Divas – North Myrtle Beach, SC :  I am running this one with my sweet momma. We did this together back in 2015 and it was such a special time together. I enjoyed so much being with her as she dominated her first ever half marathon. The Diva’s race is awesome. It is all (well, mostly) women and they offer a 5k and a Half. The support is truly amazing and I cannot wait to get back out there with mom again.

Mountains to Main Street – Travelers Rest, SC : Depending on what we accomplish this weekend, this race may be a great revenge seeker! It’s practically the same course as the Swamp Rabbit Half and if Adam and I continue working on speed, maybe we can get to our ultimate goal. However, this one is in May and heat will probably play a factor, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Hotlanta Half – Atlanta, GA : This race was on my radar last year’s in June…in Atlanta. HOTTT. (hence the name of the race). This one will probably be a “week of, let’s check the weather” type of situation. But remember, that’s what this year is about. If we feel like it, GREAT and if not, then that’s great too.

Spinx Run Fest – Greenville, SC : As of now, I cannot find the official date for this race yet but if it’s an away football game, I imagine that we’ll do at least the 10k if not the half. So I just did some more digging and Clemson does have a home game that day. So, as I promised, football comes first this year but maybe it will be a later game and we can get in the 5k or 10k. We did the 5k last year and it’s such a fun event. One of Greenville’s largest running events of the year.

Thanksgiving Half – Atlanta, GA : This was my very first half marathon back in 2010 and I have come so far since then. Since right now I believe we’ll be in Atlanta for Thanksgiving anyways this year, I may just go ahead and tackle this again. If I recall, the course has great views and goes all throughout downtown Atlanta.

Kiawah Island Half (Or full, who knows, I don’t know!) – Kiawah Island, SC : Ifffff Adam and I (or just I) decided to do a full this year, I would consider this one because a training schedule would work out perfectly with football season and would not interfere with anything. The only thing I think that would deter me from the full is the heat. It’s at the beach and I’ve heard it get warm quick and I don’t want to be miserable. But, I repeat, even if I train and only feel like doing that half…THAT’S OKAY! Adam and I said we’d keep this one on the back burner and see how the first part of the year goes. No commitments, no pressure. Just as we go and FUN.


So you’re probably like, wow B**** be crazyyy! But looking at past races I am reminded how much fun it is, and how much I enjoy and appreciate that Adam and other members of my family can run together. There will come a day when I cannot run, but today is NOT that day.





Greenville News 5k – January 2015



Green Valley Road Race – February 2015



Swamp Rabbit Half Marathon – February 2015



Divas Half Marathon – April 2015



Alien Half Marathon – August 2015



New York City Marathon – November 2015





Greenville News 5k – January 2016



Rock n Roll Half Marathon – April 2016



New York City Marathon – November 2016



Hot Chocolate 15k – January 2017



Green Valley Road Race – February 2017